Flat Belly Diet: The Sureshot Way to Perfect Abs

The internet is a-buzz with the latest in food fads: The Flat Belly Diet.

So what's it all about? According to MSNBC, the "Flat Belly Diet" wants you to eat more MUFAs!

MUFAs are foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, healthful fats that research links to less belly fat and better overall health. The best part: MUFAs are found in rich, delicious foods like olives, nuts and seeds, oils, avocado, and (yes!) dark chocolate. Incorporating a MUFA into every meal is easy; we made it even easier by combining them with our favorite new supermarket products.

Prevention.com notes that one of the most important aspects of the Flat Belly Diet is the "4-day jumpstart and one key ingredient is Sassy Water."

So what is Sassy Water? Looks like you have to sign-up to find out.

But the Daily Mail swears you'll "lose up to 7lb and more than five inches all over in just FOUR DAYS." They've also got a "Flat Belly Diet" Quiz to help you accurately ascertain your risk of bloating.

And lastly, New York's Examiner.com has a review of the upcoming book, "Flat Belly Diet."

The only part of the Flat Belly Diet that gives me pause is its assertion that eating monounsaturated fatty acids specifically targets belly fat; unfortunately, many people may purchase this book under the false impression that the exercises and meals in it are designed especially for decreasing their tummy girth. A good deal of research has gone into stomach-shrinking methods, and they universally find that, while eating less and exercising decreases the fat in your body OVERALL, you can't just target one area alone. You'll lose weight and inches from your stomach, in other words, but you'll lose it from everywhere else too, and possibly not quite in the proportions you had wished. And no amount of stomach crunches will burn fat only in your stomach. You'll develop some kicking stomach muscles and burn fat all over your body, but not just in your stomach.


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